
What Happens If I Cut A Skin Tag Off

Cutaneous skin tags are small, entirely beneficial pieces or sacs of skin that tin can appear pretty much anywhere on the torso simply are well-nigh common in high friction areas. They are mankind-colored, painless, and very common though many people detect them irritating or unattractive.

Despite their mutual nature, we know very piffling nigh skin tags other than the fact that they are of corrective business organization to many people who develop them.

Over-the-counter remedies and medical treatments for pare tag removal have become increasingly popular over the last few decades.

Many people choose to cutting off skin tags with scissors or a scalpel at abode. And so, should you exist cutting off pare tags with scissors?


    • 0.1 Are there special peel tag removal scissors?
    • 0.2 When to Worry Well-nigh Your Skin Tags
    • 0.three Difference Betwixt Skin Tags And Cysts
    • 0.4 Should You Cut Off Skin Tags With Scissors?
  • 1 The Risks of Removing Peel Tags Yourself
  • ii Tools for Safely Removing Pare Tags at Domicile
  • 3 How to Safely Remove Skin Tags with Pair of scissors
    • iii.1 Is Cutting With Scissors the All-time Manner to Remove Skin Tags?
  • 4 Volition There Be Scarring?
  • 5 Summary:

Are there special skin tag removal scissors?

Picture of scissors
Y'all should be aware of several warnings before cutting off your skin tags with scissors, particularly if you are using peel tag removal scissors.

There isn't necessarily a need to remove peel tags, whether you undertake a costly medical removal process or do it at domicile. After all, skin tags, also known as acrochordon, pose no risk to your health and well-being. The exception to this rule is in cases of infection or suspected melanoma.

When to Worry About Your Skin Tags

You volition seldomly demand to worry about pare tags as they are almost always harmless. Nonetheless, peel tags tin become infected if the skin tears after beingness caught on wear or jewelry. If your skin tags become blood-red, swollen, sore, or weep cloudy liquid, information technology would be best for you lot to see your doctor.

At that place is likewise a gamble that a skin tag could exist an epidermoid cyst, in which case you should run into a doctor rather than trying to remove it at abode. Epidermoid cysts besides tend to be benign and are located nether the skin rather than hanging onto information technology by a sparse strip of flesh.

Attempting to remove or lance an epidermoid cyst at abode can crusade infection and severe scarring. Using scissors, in this case, is probably not such a great idea.

woman with a cyst
Before cutting off a skin tag, exist sure that y'all are non cut off a cyst.

Divergence Between Skin Tags And Cysts

You tin can tell the difference between a peel tag and an epidermoid cyst in a few ways. A peel tag volition be soft and fastened to the skin, whereas an epidermoid cyst is a difficult lump under the peel. Peel tags likewise tend to appear in high friction areas like the armpits and neck, whereas cysts are well-nigh likely to grade on the confront and neck. Finally, yous should be able to grip and gently pull a peel tag away from the skin to show the thin strip of flesh, which attaches it to the rest of the skin.

Different skin tags, a raised mole or freckle should not be removed at home without consulting a medical professional.  While they may resemble big skin tags, they volition drain and scar heavily if cut from the body. They can too cause intense pain.

Should You Cut Off Pare Tags With Scissors?

You have three options when it comes to skin tag removal.

Firstly, y'all tin go to your doctor or a clinic to have your skin tags removed professionally for a fee. They will numb and sterilize the area and and then snip them off for yous. This is the safest and most efficient invasive method.

Secondly, there are over-the-counter treatments designed to remove skin tags chemically. These will freeze or otherwise shrink the tag over time and present the lowest risk of infection, though they take more than fourth dimension than cutting.

Thirdly, you tin can remove the peel tags at home with scissors or a scalpel. This may be more painful than a professional person removal and is invasive, dissimilar chemical at-dwelling house treatments.

Picture of a scalpel
Instead of using scissors, you may desire to utilize a surgical scalpel.

Many people opt to remove pocket-sized pare tags at dwelling, either with an over-the-counter treatment or by snipping them off with pare tag pair of scissors because it's relatively easy and condom.

Cut skin tags off at home is not ideal, and there are some risks.

The Risks of Removing Peel Tags Yourself

The most medically pressing gamble of a habitation removal, so long equally you are certain it's a skin tag, is the chance of infection. If you get an infection following a habitation removal, you are far more likely to have a lasting scar, even if it'south a minor infection. More than this, you are probable to demand medical intervention if your dwelling removal ends in infection.

There is also the small take chances that a pare tag may be something more serious. Acrochordon is more often than not harmless, but it tin await like to some types of melanoma. Do non seek to cut away peel tags unless you are certain that'south what they are, and if you have recurring tags on the same spot, make sure to raise this with your doctor.

Sometimes instead of cutting off a skin tag yourself, you should visit a doctor.

And then, should yous cutting off peel tags with scissors? The truth is that this is the wrong question to enquire. The right question is how skin tags tin be cut abroad safely at home.

Tools for Safely Removing Skin Tags at Home

If yous're going to remove your skin tags at home, you lot should prepare thoroughly to ensure you remove them safely and efficiently. Firstly, you volition need sterile surgical gloves, rubbing alcohol or paw sanitizer, and a sharp pair of pair of scissors or a razor blade. If yous're using scissors, a pair of cuticle scissors or abrupt hairdressing scissors would be best as thick kitchen pair of scissors may trap additional skin. You can likewise utilise special skin tag removal scissors.

You lot want to cutting the skin tag at its thinnest point, which should be closest to the residuum of your skin. Whatsoever damage to the surrounding skin increases the risk of infection and scarring.

Instead of getting a skin infection, you want to make sure that you correctly remove your skin tag.

It would be best to have sterile cotton pads, antiseptic cream, and a bandaid to hand for after the removal. If the tag has a wide stalk, you might detect information technology bleeds a little and requires a dressing. Plus, it'due south always a good idea to have these items to mitt during such procedures if there's an accident.

How to Safely Remove Peel Tags with Scissors

One time you have your tools laid out earlier you, you can begin removing your skin tags.

Hither'south how you tin remove your peel tags safely;

1. Check that your pair of scissors or razor bract is sharp enough. A dull blade will non provide a clean cut, and this will increment the chances of infection. A new razor bract, scalpel, or set up of cuticle scissors is the all-time option, but sharpening your tools is a good 2d.

ii. Numb the area thoroughly with ice. Removing skin tags isn't very painful, but numbing the area volition make the process more comfortable and allow you to focus.

3. Sterilize the blade thoroughly with rubbing booze or mitt sanitizer before first.

4. Sterilize the skin tag and the area effectually information technology with rubbing alcohol or mitt sanitizer and put on disposable gloves.

5. Pull the tip of the skin tag to expose the stem and advisedly cut it from your body with a razor or scissors. Be careful not to nick the healthy pare. If you practice, treat the wound speedily and only remove the tag later it has healed.

6. Get rid of the tag and stop any bleeding. As well, put antiseptic cream on the wound. If the wound has bled, y'all will need a bandaid, but if it doesn't, you can leave it to dry in the air.

The cut should heal within a few days and leave no noticeable scar and so long every bit y'all do not pick at the scab or otherwise tamper with the wound as it heals.

Is Cutting With Scissors the Best Fashion to Remove Skin Tags?

If yous make certain that yous're using sharp implements and sterilize them well, cutting off skin tags yourself can exist a very constructive removal method. This is undoubtedly the case for modest tags, though larger tags can bleed and get infected more easily.

If yous have large skin tags, if y'all have many skin tags, or if you lot're not sure that they are skin tags, so information technology may exist all-time to consider the other options open to you.

If you lot have concerns most just what the tags are, your first port of call should exist with a local doc who tin can assess them accurately. Pare tags are virtually e'er benign, but some more serious weather present themselves in the same mode, so it never hurts to check it out.

If yous are worried near your ability to become abrupt tools or you lot're concerned, you might exist unable to sanitize them thoroughly (or fifty-fifty if you're concerned nearly the hurting), at that place are other ways.

You can always use pharmaceutical remedies that are less prone to cause infection.

These methods remove the tags without breaking the peel, which means that it takes longer, but it is also safer (in fact, information technology's the near reliable style to do information technology without seeing a doctor). However, the downside to this is that it takes longer to remove the tags, and you will have to exist very careful not to become the chemical mix on whatsoever good for you skin.

Will There Be Scarring?

When you lot're cutting skin, in that location is always a chance that a scar will form, but if you lot're using precipitous tools on a small tag and the wound does not go infected, any scar is likely to be small. All the same, those who remove pare tags at home are the most likely to be left with a scar. Those who utilize chemical removal methods or who visit a doctor seldom take noticeable scars.

Many people are unwilling to risk cut off skin tags in noticeable places such as the neck or shoulders due to the possibility of scarring. Furthermore, if you discover pare tags on susceptible areas such as the face up, eyelids, or genitals, you should always have them removed past a doctor.

Exist careful of any scarring on your peel.

The most unsafe part of removing skin tags at home with scissors is, unsurprisingly, the fact that you lot run the chance of cutting healthy skin. If yous practise cutting yourself, it is imperative that y'all immediately appraise the wound. If the cut is make clean and shallow, you should clean and dress it, letting it heal before attempting to remove the tag again. If the cutting is deep or ragged, you should consult a doctor to avoid infection and scarring.

However, if you are careful, in that location is no reason you can't remove skin tags safely at habitation. Think that removing tags does not prevent them from forming again or forming on other parts of the body. Finally, never endeavor to remove moles or cysts with a razor as yous will crusade bleeding, scarring, and potentially serious infection. A doctor should ever undertake the removal of such things.


one. Cutaneous skin tags, or acrochordon, are benign, fleshy growths that class virtually normally on high friction areas of the body and are mostly removed for cosmetic reasons.

2. A doctor should appraise skin tags if they become inflamed, bloated, painful, or seep pus.

3. Epidermoid cysts tin can exist distinguished from skin tags by their texture and place under the pare; such cysts should not be cut or lanced at habitation.

4. Skin tag removal tin be done at domicile with scissors or over-the-counter remedies or in a clinic past a medical professional.

5. Infection is a existent risk of skin tags are poorly removed.

6. When cutting away skin tags at dwelling house, sharp scissors or blades are needed, and sterilization is necessary.

7. The tag area should exist numbed and sterilized earlier cutting; pulling the peel tag away from the trunk allows for a make clean cutting.

8. If the wound bleeds, it is necessary to comprehend it with a band-help after applying antiseptic cream.

ix. Home removal with a blade is non the most recommended treatment method, peculiarly if yous dubiousness whether the growth is actually a peel tag.

10. Scarring is always a take a chance but can be minimized by a clean and efficient removal; larger tags are more likely to scar on removal than small ones.


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